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Through the Veil

Reimagining Transparency in the Fashion Industry


Sydney Toth




Following the Rana Plaza Disaster of 2013 in Bangladesh, there was a rise in activism and push for awareness within the Fashion Industry to bring to light the issues regarding human rights and sustainability across all levels. From this there has been a call for increased transparency within the industry, which is a system of pushing big brands to disclose information to the public about their production process from sourcing of textiles, to supply chain conditions. Although their has been legislation and acts put in place to continue to urge these big brands to publish transparent information, there have not nearly been enough strides in the right direction. The root of the issue that this thesis unveils focuses on the idea that there needs to be a consumer-based approach to discussing transparency and the role we play in making the industry one that is more sustainable and ethical. Through research, graphics, and writing this thesis will grant consumers the knowledge and resources needed to make effective changes in their buying practices as well as in the Fashion Industry as a whole.

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