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Step Out Of My Office:

Highlighting post-traumatic growth while redefining therapy and the mental health stigma


Emma Van De Wyngaerde



The term "trauma" is often associated with veterans who return from war, sexual assault victims, or individuals who have been in car accidents. Having trauma or dealing with mental health struggles is something that our society has considered taboo, broken and unacceptable. We've been taught that we have to put on a brave face and pretend that everything is okay. What if I told you that everyone has some form of trauma? What if I told you that it doesn't mean that you're broken, it means that you're normal. Trauma is like the gum on the bottom of your shoe, we all step in it, we just don’t all notice. Adults can have attachment traumas that they go through life without noticing from simply not being picked up enough as a baby.


My goal is to emphasize the growth and beauty that can come from acknowledging one's trauma, while eliminating the stigma attached to therapy and this concept that one isn't good enough if they seek help.

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