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Invisible Barriers 

A Look Into the Experience
of Panic Disorder


Lorenzo Lizardi



Panic attacks are brief episodes of intense fear that cause a person to misinterpret their situation as catastrophic. There is often no physical threat present when a panic attack occurs, but the symptoms are very real and painful. Those who experience panic attacks frequently may be diagnosed with panic disorder, which I was diagnosed with in 2020. Anxiety disorders remain the most common mental disorders with around 40 million Americans suffering from one each year. Despite their prevalence, only around a third of sufferers receive treatment. How could this be? Invisible Barriers examines the many obstacles preventing people from accessing the treatment they need. This installation includes a series of graphic design pieces which illustrate the complex system of panic and mental healthcare. My project is designed to help people better understand what panic attacks are like and what techniques they can use to treat them. Additionally, I hope that people with panic attacks can feel related to and realize that recovery is possible. I believe that the more we are educated about mental illness, the healthier we all can be.

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Lorenzo_Panic_Disorder_Mapped - Lorenzo Lizardi.jpg
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