Measure Up
The Struggle of the Female Athlete
Mei Vilanova Imamura
"Measure Up" reflects on the historical challenges female athletes have encountered and continue to encounter on their path to success. Women have been long overlooked, abused, and discriminated in societies overall, which becomes especially clear once we enter the most manly, aggressive, and male dominated field: sports. These issues continues to discourage female athletes, making their dreams feel like an unrealistic goal to pursue. In order to shed light over the truth, bring attention towards this marginalized group, and empower them to continue on this path, I present an installation that allows the you to truly put yourself in their shoes. The whole experience is built to understand the reality that women, mostly female athlete, are as powerful and strong as any other. To do so I attempt to show their strengths and not their weaknesses; not as victims but warriors, by creating a space just for them and their accomplishments both, as individuals and a collective.