Bright Shadows
Kieren Thigpen
Every day we see a shadow. Every day we are attached to a shadow. Yet have you ever studied your shadow, have you acknowledged it. Or have you ever acknowledged that its existence is proof of your own. Emotions operate in the same way in the black community. Those emotions follow us around all day every day if we continue to exist. Yet the majority never address the emotions. The thing that creates us and makes us soulful and gives us our colorful personalities is something that is rarely confronted. Between dealing with the difficulties of the immediate and physical world as well as the stigma within the black male community of not being “a pussy” or “soft”, we never look within, and it drives us to the brink of break down daily. This war we fight within is being lost in so many minds. So, it is within this art show that I present to you the colorful world, bright and gloomy, of the black males mind.
Keywords: colorful, black, emotions, male